Welcome to The Arc of Northeast Colorado
Our mission is to promote and protect the rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities through empowerment, advocacy and community outreach.
We offer free individual advocacy services and conduct community outreach programs, including events, education, training initiatives, and systems advocacy in Weld, Logan, Morgan, Washington, Sedgwick, Phillips, and Yuma counties.

​​Language Matters and our Name Matters:
​Using respectful and inclusive language is vital when talking to and about individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). The term "retard(ed)" is often used in a derogatory and hurtful manner, contributing to disrespect, hurt and shame for people with IDD. It's important to raise awareness about the negative impact of such language and advocate for its elimination from our vocabulary.
Language shapes attitudes and perceptions, so by choosing our words carefully, we can contribute to a more inclusive and respectful society. Education and awareness are key in addressing these issues and promoting a culture of inclusion, acceptance, and belonging for all individuals, regardless of their abilities.
The Arc of Northeast Colorado is correct.
The Arc is not an acronym.
Do not create acronyms from The Arc.
Do not use ARC in all caps in any circumstances.
In writing, use The Arc, not The ARC and not ARC.
Think of The Arc as a title or a phrase; it must be used as a whole.
Always refer to us as “The Arc”; do not say simply “Arc” or “Arc Chapters”.
The correct plural use, when referring to more than one chapter is “….chapters of The Arc”; do not say Arcs, or ARCs, or Arc chapters.
If you wish to include The Arc of Northeast Colorado’s name and/or logo in a publication, please contact Amelia Koehmstedt, Executive Director, amelia@arcneco.org